Read Acts 4:13
13Â The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.
Q1: In order to disciple students, or to be a disciple, do we need special training?
Q2: Why kind of training should we have as disciples have if we are going to share the gospel with others and bring them to Jesus?
Chapter 1: Why disciple students?
Quote: "Every nation of the world can be found on the American University. Every nation can be reached by investing time and energy on the campus."
Q3: How does evangelizing and discipling students on the university campus help us accomplish the great commission (Matthew 28:19 & 20)?
Quote: "Many believers, unfortunately, share the common experience of never having been deliberately or purposefully discipled themselves. It is one thing to call strongly for discipleship. It is another thing to know what discipleship entails and how to participate in the discipling process. If we have never been personally discipled ourselves, we will be unsure as to how to disciple another."
Q4: What does discipleship entail here at Chi Alpha Atlanta?
1. REAL: Community (Following Jesus in a small group)
2. REAL: Devotion Life (Following Jesus in personal study, prayer, and worship)
3. REAL: Responsibility (Bringing others into relationship with Jesus, discipling them, then making more disciples)
4. Small Groups, 1on1's, and Bringing friends to Large Group
Read Proverbs 27:17 - "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend."
Quote: By clearly focusing on discipleship, a local community of believers is transformed corporately as well as individually.
Q5: Why is it better to be discipled inside of a healthy community?
Chapter 2: Discipleship and The Jesus Model
Quote: "A disciple does not merely recite the teachings of Jesus and thus become mature. A disciple lives out the truth of Jesus’ teaching and thus becomes effective with an imperishable agenda to accomplish."
Q6: How must we live out the truth of Jesus on our campus as a disciple this week?
Quote: "The way to reach the multitudes was not by exclusive ministry to the multitudes, but in building men who could reach the multitudes. These men Jesus chose learned to reach the multitudes after Jesus’ example, one handful at a time. They were to disciple men just as they had been discipled by Jesus. And they were only successful when their disciples were discipling others."
Q7: How will we know that we've been successful in the great commission?