Introduce yourself to the group. Tell them your major and where you live. What is your hometown? What do you like about it? Dislike? What do you hope to get out of this group?
Tonight, we will talk about the purposes for our group.
1. Read Jn. 13:34-35.
What is Jesus’ purpose for the disciples as a group?
2. Read Phil.2:3-7.
What do we learn about how we should interact with each other?
3. Read Gal. 6:1-5.
How should we care for one another?
a. The words for burden and load in vs. 2 and 5 are different Greek words. Burden means something too heavy to carry alone (like a piano). Load means the normal amount each person should carry (like a backpack).
4. Read Eph. 4:11-16.
How does Paul describe the goals the Ephesians should have corporately? Individually? What is the role of the spiritual leadership? The individuals?
5. Read Mt. 9:36-38.
What does Jesus say the people of his day needed? What are some specific examples that show these are still true today?
6. Read Mt 28:18-20.
a. What do you think it means to be a disciple of Jesus?
b. What is a disciple’s purpose regarding those outside of the group?
7. 2 Cor. 5:14-21 tells us we have a new identity—the old way of life is gone and a new way is here. This new way is “the ministry of reconciliation.”
What do you think reconciliation means? What are some examples from your own life or from the lives of your friends or family?
a. What does it Paul mean by “ministry of reconciliation”?
b. What might it look like to no longer live for yourself?
i. How does this affect your relationship with God? With others? With yourself?
ii. For you personally, what are some of the most difficult aspects of no longer living for yourself?
1. How can we help carry each other’s burdens?
2. How can we grow in making disciples, and our “ministry of reconciliation” on campus?
Spend a few minutes praying all together about what you’ve learned as a group and about the vision God has given your group. Share prayer requests and pray for each other.
Used by permission from Michael Mowry; Chi Alpha Director Central Washington University